About us

The Money Maker platform seeks to match buyers and sellers of service provisions, deals (mergers & acquisitions), commodities, investments and charity/philanthropy. Whether you are on the buy or sell side, or referring people to our platform, there is something for everyone.

Armed with an associate network with global reach and a combined experience of over 1000 years in various geographical locations and industries, our proprietary Money Maker platform processes widen the reach of your business and business needs, through carefully curated matching of buy and sell with the human touch, streamlining your search for business needs and increasing your business flow.

And of course, helping everyone make money.

Interested in knowing how you could be part of the Money Maker platform?

Email us at [email protected] and schedule a meeting with us. We would be happy to indulge in your enquiries and aid you with the on boarding process. See you soon!

P.S. Below are some of the ways that you can make money on Money Maker.

How do I make money on the Money Maker platform?

Service Provision
  • sign up as a service provider: make money from increased business flow
  • refer a service provider: make money every time a service provision is closed with the referred service provider
  • request a service provision: fulfilled service provision
  • refer a client who requires service provision: make money when the service provision is closed, and client gets fulfilled service provision

Deals (Mergers & Acquisitions)
  • list your own deals (principals): make money closing your deals
  • participate in a deal (principals): fulfill your acquisition needs
  • refer in deals (brokers): make money when the deals are closed
  • refer in a client (brokers): make money when the deals are closed

  • sign up as a commodities supplier: make money from increased business flow
  • refer a commodities supplier: make money every time a commodities trade is closed with the referred supplier
  • request to buy a commodity: fulfilled commodity need
  • refer a client who requires a commodity: make money when the commodity trade is closed, and client gets fulfilled commodity need

  • sign up as an investment provider: make money from increased business flow
  • refer in an investment provider: make money every time an investment is closed with the referred investment provider
  • request to invest: fulfilled investment need
  • refer a client who is looking for investments: make money when the investment is closed, and client gets fulfilled investment need

  • link to our platform as a charity: increase drive for donations & volunteerism
  • refer in charities to our platform: increase drive for donations & volunteerism
  • donate to a charity on our platform: increase drive for donations
  • refer a donor to a charity on our platform: increase drive for donations